Scan4Reco is a novel EU Horizon 2020 project focused on “Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing”. It involves 9 research and industrial partners from 5 different countries. The tasks involving UNIVR unit will be mainly dedicated to the development of acquisition and processing methods, on the modelling of the effects of ageing and time over the different materials and on the realization of test applications with the end user partner Opificio Delle Pietre Dure (the main Italian organization in the field of conservation and restoration of artworks).
main collaborators: Claudia Daffara, Irina Ciortan, Giacomo Marchioro, Enrico Gobbetti, Ruggero Pintus, Antonio Zorcolo, Cristian Brognara
Related publications:
A Giachetti, I Ciortan, C Daffara, R Pintus, E Gobbetti Multispectral RTI analysis of heterogeneous artworks proc. GCH 2017 Graz (Best paper award) the Eurographics Association DOWNLOAD
R Pintus, A Giachetti, G Pintore, E Gobbetti Guided Robust Matte-Model Fitting for Accelerating Multi-light Reflectance Processing Technique Proc. BMVC 2017 British Machine Vision Association DOWNLOAD
A Giachetti, I Ciortan, C Daffara, G Marchioro, R Pintus, E Gobbetti A Novel Framework for Highlight Reflectance Transformation Imaging Computer Vision and Image Understanding (online first 2017) DOWNLOAD
R Pintus, I Ciortan, A Giachetti, E Gobbetti Practical free-form RTI acquisition with local spot lights proc. STAG 2016, Genova the Eurographics Association